Our practice uses the Vbeam Perfecta laser for treatment of a number of vascular conditions, age and sun spots.
The Vbeam Perfecta laser represents a significant enhancement in laser technology over the earlier generations of blood vessel lasers. Its new MicroPulse technology provides gentle heating of blood vessels, which allows Vbeam Perfecta treatments to be completed without bruising. Vbeam Perfecta treatments are so gentle that they can usually be performed without any numbing and can be easily planned to have no recovery down time.
What It Treats
The Vbeam Perfecta laser is considered to be the gold standard for treatment of vascular and other conditions such as:
broken capillaries
diffuse redness
dilated facial veins
pigmented lesions such as age and sun spots (medically called lentigenes)
When used to treat brown spots and age spots, the treatment can also be combined with treatment of redness at the same time and in the same treatment session. Please note that brown spot treatment with the Vbeam Perfecta laser is of benefit not only in Caucasian patients but also in patients who have more pigment in their skin, such as in Asian patients.
Advances in the laser technology also allow the Vbeam Perfecta laser to be used to treat leg veins. In our office, we generally combine Vbeam Perfecta laser treatment with sclerotherapy to treat and improve unsightly leg veins.
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How It Works
Treatment for vascular conditions. In order to improve redness, broken capillaries and leg veins, the Vbeam Perfecta laser fires laser light that is selectively absorbed by the red color of blood. When this occurs, blood is selectively heated. This heating action also heats the blood vessel wall. This results in a narrowing down of the diameter of the blood vessel wall and a reduction in redness. Usually, three to five laser treatments at monthly intervals are required in order to optimally treat redness, broken capillaries and leg veins.
Treatment for brown spots. A special hand piece is used to temporarily squeeze the red blood out of the skin leaving only brown pigment in the spot to absorb the laser light. When the brown pigment absorbs the laser light, it begins the process of breaking down the brown pigment, resulting in a lightening of the brown spot.
Treatment results for vascular conditions. It results in reduced redness and reduction in the number of broken capillaries. In many cases, broken capillaries are completely eliminated. Redness is significantly reduced after Vbeam Perfecta treatment. In addition, rosacea is easily controlled in nearly all cases with the Vbeam Perfecta laser.
Treatment results for brown spots. Results in a lightening or a complete elimination of brown spots. Treatments with the Vbeam Perfecta laser generally have no recovery down time allowing patients to resume their normal activities immediately after leaving the office.
If you have redness, rosacea or brown spots in your skin, we invite you to come in and remove these unsightly discolorations. Your skin will be clearer and fresher, and you will feel much better.